Lifestyle,  The Prom Guide

Your Possible Prom Date Says “Maybe”. What Are Your Options?

To prepare for prom, you have decided to secure yourself a date. You muster up the courage to ask someone to prom and their response is “maybe.” You are put in a state of limbo. You really wanted to go with the person you asked but the person is hesitant about committing right off the bat. What are your options?

You can wait for them

If you really want to go with this specific person to prom, you can wait for this person to make up their mind or you can wait for the person to get rejected by the person they really want to go with.

Pros: The person might eventually realize that you are the one they want to go with, and you end going to prom together.

Cons: You might be let down when the person you asked ends up choosing to go with someone else.

You can ask someone else to prom

You have already put yourself out there once, why not put yourself out there another time – or a few more times?

Pros: You might end up going with someone better! Someone who gives you a definite “yes” instead of a wavering “maybe.”

Cons: You might end up with another “maybe” or a “no.” But if you like the person than it’s worth the risk, right? Better than wondering “What if…?”

You can go to prom with a sibling or cousin

You have already paid the prom deposit for yourself and a guest – now you need to bring someone! Perhaps all of your friends already have a prom ticket, every person you have asked said no or already has a date, and there is a “no refund” policy for your extra prom ticket. So, you decide to bring your sibling or cousin as a last resort.

Pros: There is no pressure of prom being romantic and you and your relative can just enjoy the food and company of your friends.

Cons: It could be awkward for you and your relative. People might also be judgemental about you bringing your relative. But then you’d be having fun with a friend, so who’s really going to care? Note: If your sibling or cousin really wanted to do you a favour, he or she could help find you a date from among his or her friends instead of going with you. You can ask your relative to ask a friend of theirs to bring you to prom.

You can go to prom without a date

Prom doesn’t have to be a couple’s event! As long as you have friends who also don’t have a date, you can just go with them.

Pros: Fun at prom without having to cater to a date! You will get the chance to dance with friends of that are dateless as well.

Cons: If you wanted prom to be a romantic couples night, you’ll miss out on that experience, but there will be plenty of others throughout your life. Life doesn’t stop at prom, so just have fun with friends!

Prom is a special night, so think carefully about whether you still want to go with the person you originally asked, decide to ask someone else, decide to go with a sibling or relative, or decide to just go solo. Only you can prepare for your prom and make the most of your prom night regardless of whether or not you have a date.

Written by: Maria Montemayor

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