
Prom Dresses to Avoid

10 Prom Dresses That Will Make You Cringe

Horrible dresses that top our list of the worst prom dress fails ever

Throughout the four years of high school, most teenagers would say that prom is one of their favorite moments. Why aren’t we surprised a night filled with dancing, dates and fancy clothes is usually considered a fun time to many people? For girls, it’s a chance to look your best amongst your senior class by having the perfect prom dress.

Finding your prom dress is not really rocket science. All you have to do is pick a dress in an appealing color and style. How hard could that be anyway? The only thing you’ll have to worry about is putting together a great hairstyle and buying the right accessories. Most teenage girls are able to tackle this.

Unfortunately, there are the few girls that take their prom dresses a little too seriously and try to think of something outside of the box. Most of us love creative prom dresses – they’re usually fun and unique. However, sometimes we need to learn our limits and try to stay away from prom dresses with no fashion style at all.

From denim overload to duct taped dresses, we can’t believe some teenagers were able to walk out in public in these fashion disasters. You just have to see it yourself! Here are 10 prom dresses that will instantly make you cringe.