Lifestyle,  The Prom Guide

How Social Media Could Be Causing Your Anxiety

Social media and the internet and have completely changed our lives. We share everything – from our thoughts, outfits, experiences and even our meals. It gives us a community where we can share our problems with people who are going through similar situations.

Sadly, the popularity of social media has also increased the number of teens affected with anxiety, depression and mental health issues over the past decade. Experts believe that social networking may be the cause. 

Unrealistic expectations

We spend so much time looking at beautiful pictures that celebrities and influencers post that it can subconsciously make us compare ourselves and become unhappy with our own lives. It is easy to forget that we are only seeing the highlights of their life. This can lead to us comparing our struggles to the best parts of someone else’s life. People tend to post images that have a filter and are heavily edited. Perfect bodies don’t exist and it is unfair for us to compare ourselves to them. These unrealistic expectations can lead to jealousy, depression, and even suicidal thoughts.

The addiction

It is so easy to get addicted to apps like Instagram. Without even realizing it, you could end up spending countless hours a week scrolling through strangers’ feeds. Once you get in the habit of using social media, it’s hard to give it up.

The need for attention

This addiction is accompanied by pressure to share the best of your life with your followers. If you post a picture or tweet, you want to see if someone liked it or commented. You will feel obligated to keep checking to see how much interaction your post is getting.

Capturing memories

Have you ever gone to a concert and looked around only to see everyone else watching the concert through their phone screens? We want to record our memories forever but in the process we forget to just enjoy the moment. It is possible to do both! You have to make a conscious decision to put down your phone sometimes and take in your environment.

What you can do

There are apps available that will track how much time you spend on particular apps. This is a great way to see how your time is being spent. Limiting the time you spend will make huge differences overtime. You can also decide to take a step back from posting. If you post once a day, maybe start posting every few days. If your anxiety persists, talk to someone. There are many organizations that are there to help. Anxiety Canada is one of them. You can visit their website in the link below.

Written by: Daiana Sahadeo

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