Lifestyle,  The Prom Guide

Why You Don’t Need To Worry About Having A Prom Date

The pressure to find a prom date is perhaps higher now than ever with the growing popularity of sweet – and sometimes extravagant – promposals. It’s totally normal to be anxious when asking somebody out, and it can be even more nerve-wracking when you have put a lot of time and thought into how you’ll ask someone or if you’re waiting to be asked! Finding a prom date, however, shouldn’t cause you to completely stress out and panic; after all, it’s supposed to be a fun night, not a scary one. We’re here to unpack all the reasons why you don’t need to be worried if you’d prefer to go to prom solo or if you’re having trouble finding the right person to be your prom date.

You don’t need a date to have fun

We know, we know. You’ve probably heard these exact words from your parents, teachers, and just about every movie that was ever made about prom. Despite the cliché and no matter who says it, however, this is actually undoubtedly true. If you go to the big event without a prom date, you can still dine on great food, make awesome memories, and party on the dance floor with your friends and classmates, which will be fun with or without a date!

You’re not going to be the only one without a prom date

Yeah, we’re channeling our inner-mom once again, but we cannot stress this point enough. It can sometimes feel like you’re the only one going alone when you see everyone else publically announce that they’re going with someone, but we promise you that this is not the case. There will be those who simply didn’t bother asking anyone because they didn’t really want to have a prom date to begin with, those who never got asked, and those who were turned down after promposing but didn’t let it stop them from having a good time. Chances are, you’ll even have a friend or two going without a date to accompany them! Why not join forces and be each other’s dates for the night instead?

Having a prom date might hold you back from having the night you want

While it can be a lot of fun to have a prom date there are also a few drawbacks to consider here. For example, if your prom date is somebody you’re not really close with, you may find yourself torn between two groups. They may want you to sit with their friends at dinner, while you would much rather spend the night with people you know better and would feel more comfortable hanging out with. If you’d prefer not to feel like you’re torn between two groups or that you have to stay by one person’s side the entire night, then it’s probably best that you skip finding a date and choose to go on your own, instead.

Nobody will notice that you came alone

We know it sounds a little harsh, but it’s unlikely that anybody will even know (or care) that you didn’t show up with a prom date. Everyone, including yourself, will be so preoccupied with photographs, dinner, chatting, and dancing that they won’t have time to even ask you if you came with somebody else. Those that do know you came alone probably think it’s great that you came to throw down with the rest of the class anyway, because that’s what prom night is truly all about.

Written by: Kristal McLean

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