Beauty,  The Prom Guide

5 Tips For Flawless Skin Before Prom

Feeling beautiful both inside and out is always important, and clear flawless skin can play a big role in achieving that feeling, but that’s easier said than done. If your skin is particularly finicky, then here are my five tips for flawless skin in preparation for prom.

Start eating a healthy diet

If you nourish your body with fresh fruits and vegetables, your body will thank you by glowing! As Dr. Jessica Wu, a dermatologist, writes in her book, Feed Your Face, “One of the most effective tools in regulating and preventing [skin] inflammation is eating the rights foods. Altering your diet can help modulate the effects of inflammatory conditions such as eczema and acne as well as help slow the signs of aging.” Eating healthy food like apples, oranges, carrots, and spinach can help keep your skin looking beautiful! Also, keep hydrated with water but avoid sugar and try a day without dairy. If your skin normally breaks out into acne, see if cutting out dairy for a day or two will reduce or eliminate any inflammation. The hormone levels in cows produces excess sebum, which in turn elicits acne.

Sleep well

Getting by without a good night’s rest can actually lead to acne. A lack of sleep causes stress. This stress increases cortisol, which, in turn makes the skin produce more sebum, leading to acne. Sleep deprivation can, not only trigger acne, it can also lead to dark under eye circles, eye bags and other skin issues. So, getting your beauty sleep actually does mean getting a good night’s sleep to keep you looking and feeling beautiful!


Not surprisingly, regular exercise is not only good for physical and mental health, it’s also great for your skin! As Dr. Ellen Marmur, a dermatologist, mentions in her book, Simple Skin Beauty, “Excercise is great for your circulation, the conveyor belt that replenishes everything your skin needs. The rosy flush you get when you work out is a sign your heart is pumping and providing better blood flow to your skin. Exercise also causes perspiration, which excretes salt from the skin, helping to keep it clear and acne-free.”

Put on a face mask

I have been a big fan of Korean sheet face masks ever since from high school. I love the calming scents and the cool feeling of a sheet mask on my skin. The best face masks for skin that is oilier or prone to acne breakouts are clay masks. For more dry skin that’s in need of hydration, a moisturizing mask like a cream, gel, or sheet mask can give your skin that extra boost that it needs to shine. Normal skin can benefit from a peel-off face mask that’s intended to brighten.

Have a positive attitude

At the end of the day, if your skin looks as bomb as possible on prom day, or less than stellar, your attitude can be the determining factor to whether you truly glow or not. Positivity can lower your stress levels and, in turn, lower inflammation. Vibrant women have a positive attitude and can rock any skin that they’re in. Positivity is an attractive quality in any person Beauty really does start from the inside going out!

So, those are my top five tips for flawless skin! If you have any of your own tips on how to achieve flawless skin, comment below.

Written by: Maria Montemayor

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