Beauty,  The Prom Guide

6 DIY Hair Masks To Get Your Hair Prom Ready

Hair masks are an effective and affordable way to acquire gorgeous hair through deep conditioning. The application may seem time consuming but it doesn’t have to be! You can have an at home spa day and apply a hair mask while still completing tasks around the house.  A hair mask can even regenerate your hair while you sleep by simply wrapping a towel around your hair before going to bed.

For dry hair

Ingredients: Plain yogurt, 1 egg, 1 tbsp. honey

This hair mask will nourish dry and brittle hair. Honey will seal in moisture and reduce breakage. It has rich antioxidant properties that stimulate hair growth and strengthen hair follicles. The antibacterial benefits will prevent dandruff, eczema, and scalp infections. Priyanka Chopra mentioned using this hair mask an interview for Vogue.

For frizzy hair

Ingredients: 1 banana, 1 tbsp. plain yogurt, 1 tbsp. honey

Say goodbye to frizzy hair and flyways with this hair mask. The banana can be chunky so be sure that you mix it properly. You can use a magic bullet or a blender to mix any of these hair masks. The lactic acid from the yogurt works to cleanse your scalp and remove any dead skin cells. The banana will keep your hair soft and silky. The potassium and natural oils help prevent split ends and breakage.

For oily hair

Ingredients: ¼ tbsp. apple cider vinegar, 1 lemon, 1 tbsp. honey

This lemon mask will deep condition your hair without making it oily. Oily hair can make you feel like you need to wash your hair everyday. Don’t do it! Washing your hair everyday removes natural oils and will cause your body to overproduce oil instead!

For natural hair

Ingredients: Half an avocado, 2 tbsp. coconut oil, 1 tbsp. honey, ¼ cup mayonnaise

Natural hair is beautiful but it can be difficult to handle and may need extra attention. Mayonnaise may seem like a strange ingredient for a hair mask but it contains many ingredients that will stimulate hair growth. The egg, vinegar, and oils found in mayonnaise will moisturize your hair. Avocado will give your hair a healthy shine and soothe your scalp.

Curly hair mask

Ingredients: Aloe Vera, 3 tbsp. olive oil

Aloe vera isn’t just good for sunburns, it’s great for your hair too! The enzymes found in aloe vera repair dead skin cells on your scalp and it works as a conditioner while preventing itching. This mask is great for curly hair.

Vegan hair mask

Ingredient: Coconut oil

Requiring only one ingredient, this is the easiest hair mask! Warming up the coconut oil will make it easier to apply but it can lose some of its nutrients. The best way to apply it is naturally. Shampoo well afterwards to ensure that the oil comes out. Coconut oil works wonders for dry hair by fighting against dandruff and adding luster and softness to hair. It prevents hair breakage, hair loss, and encourages growth.

Measurements for these hair masks can vary depending on the length and thickness of your hair. For the best results, use these masks on damp hair.

Tips for healthy hair

  • Massaging will increase the blood flow to your hair follicles, which will stimulate hair growth
  • Regular trims will improve the look and feel of hair
  • Use heat protectant
  • Exchange cotton pillowcase for a silk one
  • A diet of iron, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and protein will make your hair thicker and stronger overtime
  • Too much heat will remove your natural volume.

Written by: Daiana Sahadeo

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